We are always accepting enrollment applications for Seward Child Care Co-op. There is no fee associated with being on the wait list.


Please contact us or call (612) 724-3030 with questions about the wait list or anything else regarding enrollment.

Waiting List and Enrollment Information

Because of the high quality, alternative and flexible care we offer, many more families apply for enrollment than we can accommodate. Once a family has applied for admission, they are added to the waiting list. Seward Child Care Center prioritizes siblings of currently enrolled families, families of color, and LGBTQ-identified families, and CCAP eligible families in our enrollment efforts. Due to the scheduling policies at SCCC, we are typically unable to inform parents of starting/enrollment opportunities until 2-3 weeks before the opening occurs.

 Being on the waiting list is not a guarantee of enrollment. The majority of children at our center enroll as preschoolers (31 mo.+), not toddlers. We strongly encourage families to arrange for a few different child care possibilities in the case that enrollment at SCCC is not possible.